What is storytelling in simple terms?

Everyone is talking about some kind of storytelling. What it is?
Storytelling is a way to tell about a product, service, company, or anything else through an interesting story. Storytelling is not just any story. A good story has a problem, a solution, and a plot twist that the audience lives with the narrator.

Why would I use it?

Stories help you understand a problem, teach something new, understand the scenario of using a product or see its benefits. It is good to explain complex topics with the help of stories – it is difficult for a person to perceive abstract images and it is easier to understand them through a story.

Stories help us “live” situations in which we ourselves have not been. Feeling in the place of the narrator, we understand what he wanted to say. People’s personal experiences are the most convincing, which is why stories are a powerful marketing tool.

Imagine buying a washing machine. One manufacturer in an advertisement tells you that their products are the best. And another tells a whole personal story: “Washing machines used to be incredibly expensive. Our leading engineer was born into a poor family with many children, and his mother spent the best years of her life washing in a basin. The engineer studied and devoted his whole life to making technology affordable and reliable, and people do not suffer from everyday problems. It was he who created the best lines of our products and the company’s philosophy – the best quality that everyone can afford.” Of course, we are more likely to buy a second company washing machine, because we are hooked on the real personal history of an ordinary engineer who, like us, suffered from everyday problems.